Thursday, 28 December 2017

My favourite immune system booster!

I made my favourite immune system booster today. A juice made from apples, carrots and fresh ginger. This time I added fresh curcumin.

Fresh curcumin


Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Creating together.

Yesterday we did yoga again and I took this picture of my husband. So happy to do yoga together!!

Today my friend Maja and I met at the Library to set the details for our upcoming Home Party 2.0 with yoga and plant based food. On the 28th of January we will try our new concept where we offer yoga and plant based cooking at people's homes. We want to spread yoga and the plant based lifestyle and we feel that this could be a fun way doing it. The first time will be at my house at a reduced price to get feedback and hopefully one or more of the guests willl be inspired enough to host a  party at their home.

Both of us have 3-year olds so it's hard if you want to be alone for a while and focus. But we found this creative room at the Library and we could focus 100% on the planning of the event. We are both soo excited about this and I am so grateful to have found Maja to work with. I feel 2018 is going to be very special.

This is how happy we are while together!

Today's smoothie was a golden one:


  • Bananas
  • Apples 
  • Cucumber
  • Water
Feel free to try different combinations. Yes, sometimes it might taste horrible but soon you will get the idea and find what works for you.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Lazy days.

Oh we are just enjoying lazy days now. We were about to visit Mattias' parents today but Charlie had a fever last night so we decided to stay at home. We took a walk in the forest before lunch, even if it was rainy and very windy. We needed some fresh air.

Yesterday we did yoga together Mattias, Charlie and I. Mattias said in the evening that he would love to do that every day during the holidays and nothing makes me happier. It is sooo fun doing yoga together!

Me in downward facing dog. You can se Charlie's legs!

I hope you enjoy the holidays as much as I do and that you do what feels best for YOU.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Meditation and Yoga on Christmas Day.

Good Morning Christmas Day!

I started this morning with my 30 minutes of meditation. I'm on day 29 of 40. Yesterday I started feeling like going for a run again but the weather is not welcoming right now...

It's 6 degrees Celcius and heavy rains so no thanks. I will do yoga instead!

Today's smoothie:


  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach
  • Nettle leaves powder
  • Rose hip powder 
  • some water 

And for my Swedish readers:
Igår gjorde jag växtbaserad risgrynsgröt. Jättegott! Jag använde grötris från Kung Markatta och istället för komjölk använde jag havremjölk blandad med Oatleys iMat. Jag har provat att bara använda havremjölk men det blir för vattnigt. Jag tog även en klick mjölkfritt smör i. Det blev jättegott!

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Christmas Eve and when your children grow up.

What a strange feeling it is today! Usually Christmas Eve is the day we celebrate here in Sweden but since we celebrated yesterday today feels just like an ordinary day.

I drove Vincent to the airport this morning and it was a really hard time to say good bye for me this time. It was so clear to me how grown up he is now. Oh God sometimes it's really, really hard being a parent. We love our children more than anything else and one day they just leave us. Mattias and I spoke about that and it is so obvious that Vincent is done with the separation towards us but we are not ready yet!!! I don't think you ever will be as a parent though. And here it is important to own this feeling and not make it a burden for your child. I stayed present and as long as I was with Vincent I felt happy but as soon as he left I felt the emptiness. It is a sorrow and it needs to be felt. I realize that the sadness is not only about him leaving over Christmas and his upcoming birthday, it is the sadness of loosing your child to his own life. I will bring this into my meditation tonight and see what happens around it.

If you live in Sweden I guess this is the day you celebrate and I wish you a Merry Christmas! Sharing some pictures from yesterday:

Me surrounded by my beloved family. 

My vegan Christmas plate! 

I didn't have any smoothie yesterday which is very unusal for me so I was sooo happy to make one this morning:

  • 6 bananas
  • a pot of cilantro
  • blueberries
  • 2 dates 
  • some water

Friday, 22 December 2017

The day before Christmas.

Yesterday, just before I would go to sleep I noticed a new podcast from Julie Piatt. It was the recording from our Malta retreat in October! Of course I had to listen. I didn't finish it though because I really needed to sleep. Julie also spoke about her next retreat on her own which will be in Miami. This time I'm not that eager to go as I was the last time. The last time she announced that she was going to have a retreat on her own in Malta I got so excited! I felt like wild horses couldn't keep me from going there. I so much needed that experience for my healing journey. Now I don't feel that urge to go. It might change though but this is how I feel right now. Not that I don't think the experience in Malta was one of my best ever but I did what I needed to do then. Now it's time to let the Jessica who was born out of that experience unfold and see what comes with that.
Hopefully Julie will come to Europe again soon. If your intuition is telling you to go I promise it will be something you will treasure for the rest of your life.

The latest podcast is really good, it starts with a conversation between Julie and Amber. Amber is one of the owners of Sanya Spa where the retreat was held. She is also an amazing singer. After that you will hear a Q and A that was recorded live in Malta. Yours truly asked a question so don't miss that ;)

It was a quiet day today at work so I managed to get through my mailbox and don't leave anything undone. A great feeling!  I worked from home so during my lunch break I made some vegan gluten free Christmas Bread for the celebration tomorrow!!! We are celebrating tomorrow because Vincent is going to visit his girlfriend in England on Christmas Eve. It will be so empty without him but if this it what makes him happy I will support him 100%.

I'm really ready for Christmas this year! I'm so relaxed and also excited about what the next year will bring. 2017 was a healing journey like nothing else. 2018 will hopefully be a year when I can focus on giving more than before. Not being drained energetically by old wounds and sorrows that needed to be healed.

Glutenfree Vegan bread straight from the owen! My very critical teenage boys just loved it!!!

We also prepared the kale for tomorrow. Here in Sweden it's a tradition to have stewed kale for Christmas. I stew it in a plant based cream of course.

Wishing you a really calm and warm feeling.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Yoga, meditation and plantpower retreat!

Today these beautiful women came to my house for meditation and to plan our first yoga and meditation retreat.
Maja and Jenny

Sara couldn't come so we all missed her. Notice the technic lego in front of Maja :D That's life in a family :)
As I mentioned, we started with meditation. All of us are doing the 40 days of meditation challenge so it was a nice thing doing today's meditation together. It's a good way to start with a meditation to set the intention. Actually I couldn't help myself from doing it when I woke up this morning so I did it twice today.

We are going to have our first retreat together in the spring. We were brainstorming ideas and one thing is for sure we will not have a problem filling this retreat with interesting stuff!!! We will provide Kundalini Yoga, Global Yoga, Meditation, delicious plant based meals, the participants will learn how to prepare plant based food that work in a busy everyday life and so on.

I'm a solo player but I just feel that it's time to come together if we really want to make a shift in this world. 

The first retreat will be held in Sweden and the next will be in Spain!

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Is there anybody out there..

reading blogs anymore?

I feel a longing to start writing again but I wonder if anyone still read blogs. Or is it just insta and short stories that can catch peoples interests nowadays? Well I guess I have to try to find out.

I will also make an effort to write in English. That's definetly going to be a challenge. I held my first yoga class in English in October this year. And I think it went quite well.

At  the moment I'm doing a 40 days of meditation challenge. This is because I'm interested in the shift that this will bring and I also like to challenge myself. When there is will there is always a way.

I know Rich Roll often wonder about how to not just be a short lived inspiration in somebodies life but be a catalyst for something new. And I guess like with everything there needs to be a will. Just like you can't make an addict drop her habit. She has to drop it herself.

This year I have inspired two beautiful women to go plant based. But I realize that it wouldn't be possible if they weren't ready. One of my biggest motivations in this world is to inspire other people to be healthier. Not slimmer, not more beautiful. But healthier. And if they follow a plant based diet they will. And they will be slimmer and more beautiful too. But the majority of people are still far from loving themselves and therefore they don't view their bodies as a temple and therefore they are not seeking for a healthy option.

When I was 6 years old my mother got sick. That opened my eyes. Since then the most important thing for me is that everybody is healthy. Because I have seen that when you loose your health you loose everything. For some reason I also understood that so much lays in our own hands. Heart diseases are reversable on a plant based diet, cancer are preventable and sometimes even reversable on a plant based diet. That is why I have choosen to adopt this lifestyle. 

This was my breakfast smoothie today:

  • 6 bananas
  • 4 medjool dates
  • a handful of spinach
  • frozen strawberries
  • three dried apricots
  • a teaspoon of moringa
  • a teaspoon of spirulina
  • and some water